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An Open Letter to President Trump


March 19, 2018



Respectfully, let me begin by reflecting on the hope, I believe that was shared by many fellow Americans at election time,  that a new face, a new ideal would breathe fresh life into our country.  My husband and I voted for you. We believed in you.  We argued with friends, colleagues, and neighbors all the while holding onto the dream that time would be the true test. Time was not the answer.


President Trump, you've not only not kept your promises to America you've waged war on fellow Americans. The jewel of every society can be weighed by its treatment of the weak; of those in need, the protection of its people and its ability to maintain the 'family unit'. Much to our shame at this moment; in this place and time our failures are so profound that we are adrift at sea with no one at the helm.


In all honesty, Mr. President I am saddened for, ashamed for, and afraid for my fellow countrymen. More importantly, I am afraid for democracy itself. The U.S. has been a global example of strength and compassion. Integrity governed. Dignity lead. Today I say, forgive me sir, but you are no leader and my greatest fear is that the entire world sees the grand loss of palatial virtue as well.


The true character of rulers as of late has been astounding. The State of the Union is first and foremost is the Presidential priority yet day in and day out the headlines grab story after story of your private ventures and self-preserving excuses. Whether you were involved in the foreign election meddling or not is now a moot point. The damage to our country's integrity has been done. You were concerned with Mr.Putin's' reputation more than the effect the scandal itself had on Americans. The turmoil from within our nation is on the world stage. Chaos within announces weakness across the globe. I hate to make the comparison but hasn't this happened somewhere on another continent somewhere? Defeat begins within.


America being hated is one thing. America hated and laughed at spells disaster for a country standing atop the free world. Those who did not trust the US before now have a multitude of reasons to distance themselves from us economically, politically and militarily. You, sir, have in roughly one years' time set America back decades. To lie to the world is bad enough. To laugh and brag about lying to worldwide Heads of State is appalling. You’ve put more faith in Mr. Putin than our own citizens and the Cabinet you, yourself selected.


Mr. President, the things we are judged by fairly or unfairly are our decisions and actions. Those things we do and say show what we believe in. In the harsh light of that fact it is revealed you believe in nothing. The family is the building block of our way of life. A man who believed in such a principle would not disgrace the mothers of his children openly over worthless, unscrupulous, people who very visibly have shown their only care is for reward. The First Lady deserves respect. I wonder if the roles were reversed…


"Great Leaders Surround Themselves With Great People", as the famous quote goes. Considering the poor treatment of your past staff, how can you trust that future cabinet employees would give their all? One does not have to be in agreement with others to work together. Is that not the very process this country was founded on? Many great minds, ideas, and contributions are what made my beloved America great.

I believe the honorable goals of your boarding school reflect a great notion. Allow me to remind you, in its mission statement, The New York Military Academy seeks to, and I quote, "develop our cadets in mind, body, and character; to prepare them for further education and to be effective leaders and responsible citizens. Inherent in this mission are the four pillars of success: Academics. Athletics. Character. Leadership."


True character is not reflected in the public ridicule and embarrassment of those professionals you part company with.  Academics is not being aware of financial payoffs to horrid people in attempts to self-protect. Athletics, I'm fairly confident in saying is not reflected in immoral physical liaisons with no concern for those who could be hurt by such 'activity'.




Lastly, Mr. Trump, leadership does not reflect the actions of endangering every American man, woman, and child by petty name calling, tacky tweets, arrogant accusations, or by incompetent, globally reaching lies, threats, and false public information.



In closing let me quote a few people you may have heard of, "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people."  Eleanor Roosevelt


"Watch what people are cynical about, and one can often discover what they lack."   George S. Patton.


“Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men."  George S. Patton.


On a personal note my husband and I have two sons serving in the arm forces. My oldest son has been shipped abroad six times in the last five years leaving his wife and small children behind to defend our nation. He has been in other countries more than in his own. His son asked for one big thing for Christmas this year; to have his dad home. In a miracle, my son returned and walked into his home on post late this last Christmas Eve night. It was the first Christmas my son has been able to spend with his family! Tell me what our boys are defending if not integrity, honor and ‘family’. They deserve a better Commander and Chief.



PHB Wesenberg, Florida

Property of Through The Open Window blog


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